Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sound-off Sunday: episode 2

Sound-off Sunday is a concept that I came up during an abnormally loud car ride.  The shear volume of the car would have probably cause a normal person to lose their mind, but I realize that it is just part of the soundtrack of our lives.  Each Sunday I will share with you an audio recording that will allow you a window into our chaos.

This is a recording from the car ride leaving church on Sunday.  The phrase that is being uttered is "Hey big daddy! Want a house call?"  You are probably asking yourself, where in the world would our kids have been exposed to a saying like that.  For that, I have to take you back to my college days.

My wife Julie was a psychology major in a speech communication major body.  She attempted to reverse the paradigm of men hooting and hollering from a construction site or car window in the direction of an attractive woman.  She did this by using the phrase, "Hey big daddy! Want a house call?" yelled from a car window she would study the effect it would have on an unsuspecting male coed.  Or at least that is what she told me ... I believe she just thinks that she is hilarious when she does it, providing her hours of good entertainment.

Fast forward about ten years.  I am a college student again.  We live close enough to the school that I attend that, as long as the weather cooperates, I ride my bike to class.  One such day about a week ago, I left for class and was trudging up the hill leading from our house to the community exit, when I heard a surprising but familiar chant of "Hey big daddy! Want a house call?" from somewhere over my right shoulder.

It was funny, well timed and took me back to a time when life was just beginning ... but it has also produced this:

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