Thursday, March 4, 2010

Brief intermission

You know, you would think that if you had 5 days to decide what to write in a post about your oldest son, it would not be a problem.  But for the life of me, I could not come up with a start to my post about Zach.  A little bit about my writing style.  The start is everything.  I have a topic in mind before I start.  I come up with the first few sentences, then I sit down to write.  I really have no idea where it might go from there.  I often come to the end of a post and wonder how in the world I ended up here. 

I have been struggling for days to find my start for Zach.  But of course, the moment I stop thinking about it and focus my mind on something else, it started to come to me in waves.  Tonight, it happened while I was in line for communion at church.  Unfortunately that did not leave me enough time to write Zach's post tonight (Well there is probably time, but I can't seem to peel my focus from my Maryland Terps taking on Duke).  So tomorrow, then.

I will leave you with a couple of nuggets from the last few days:

Zach:  Zoe, since you are not in the show, you can not pronounce the actors. (We were doing another show, see Musicals, and Zach was annoyed that his sister would not play the role as the princess.  Oh, also replace pro- with an- and the line might make more sense.)

Me: Zoe, did you poop?
Zoe: No, just gas.

Zach:  Zoe, don't drink that water (overheard when the kids were on the trampoline today)

Me: Zane you have two choices; You can go lay and take a nap with Zoe.
Zane: No
Me: You can stay in here and continue to cry and scream.
Zane: No
Me: Do you want to go to church tonight?
Zane: Yes.
Me:Then you have to take a nap.
Zane: No
(Me trying to rationalize with a 2 year old about bedtime.  I might have had more luck banging my head against the wall; but after a bit of screaming, he did finally sleep)

Me:  (internal) What can I bribe them with today for them to just get in there d*** car seats without a huge ordeal (I might need a vacation)


  1. i hate when i get writer's block! ;)

  2. yay!!!!! no more having to decode the message before posting the comment! :)

  3. I have a post in mind that I've been wanting to write for months now. I know the general idea but I can't find the beginning either. It'll happen someday. I'm determined, but it sucks.


Dad Blogs Wordless Wednesday