Sunday, July 25, 2010

A great person that most of us do not know...

This is a story of a young goat-heard named Kaldi.  He noticed a certain exuberance from his flock when they chewed on the berried of a certain bush.   Wanting to check it out, he himself nibbled on the berries and noticed the same energizing effects.  In his exhilaration he gathered some berries and rushed them to a Muslim holy man in a nearby monastery somewhere in Arabia.  The holy man disapproved of the use of the berries and tossed them into the fire.  The rest as they would say, is history (or at least pretty cool folklore).

It is easy to pass over or ignore the story of young Kaldi, but on a day like this, when I awoke to realize that we were out of the very product that Kaldi and the Muslim holy man discovered that day, I truly appreciate their accomplishments.  

You see, when the berries began to burn in the fire, they noticed an enticing aroma pouring from the smoke.  They raked the embers, ground them and dissolved them into hot water, creating the world's first cup of coffee.

Thank you Kaldi and thank you Dunkin' Donuts for supplying me with my daily fix of caffeinated goodness this morning.

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