Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Wonderful Nemesis

He embraces the day with youth and with vigor.  Each day he sets out to conquer new heights and obtain the unobtainable.  He is a storming marauder set to reap the spoils of the castle.  To him, I am the gatekeeper, the sentry, who's job it is to repel his progress, to spurn his advancement.

Then one day, in the wee hours, he awakes to a fever.  His enemy, his combatant, transforms, suddenly, and once again becomes Daddy.  This once brave and formidable knight is now groggy, confused and wanting someone to remove the pain that has settled in his two year old head.  Medicine administered, consoling concluded, the brave warrior takes once again to sleep, dreaming of the day he will be well enough to fight once more.

As I lay alongside my foe and calm him to sleep, wiping his tears with the back of my hand, I realize that I am truly blessed to be the father of such a "Wonderful Nemesis".

1 comment:

  1. WHOA... wow... incredible!

    so i take it that zane got zack's fever??

    BEAUTIFULLY written! powerful and poignant!


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